This place is currently being pulled down and it remined me of my return shoot for wolfee chainz. A species of caterpillar that was really common in my childhood but I now never see that was thriving there. I made this neck-piece over last summer whilst we were suffering the hottest day on record which killed over 200 people in the UK and underlined the terrible impact of climate change. I felt whilst I was making it like a part of me had died too. Nature is my temple and she is suffocating under the crushing boot of humanity. Near me there is a derelict pontins. In what used to be the boys changing room of the swimming pool a skylight has broken through and left a mound of moss. This little island become a micro planet of its own supporting various flora. It gets sunlight and rain through the broken skylight. It flourishes even among the debris. I believe in my heart that despite all this nature will outgrow us. In the darkest times I believe and I hope.
Photographer: Sam Hain
Artist: Bonnie Bakeneko

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