Experience porn as the ultimate imagination opium to bring a new way of seeing while challenging existing ideas, processes, and forms. As an art form that is the most enrapturing orgy within your reach.
Avant-Garde PORN is an opportunity to create nontraditional and innovative aesthetics in a world in which the lines between pornography, erotica and art have long been blurry. By pushing the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm, we question ourselves: “Can art succeed where porn fails – in order to actually turn us on?”
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Movie: Chris Phillips
Creative/Direction Assistant: Giacomo Moroso
Styling: Jana Mello
Models: Kyle Patrick, Jana Mello, Sam Morris, Yu-Liang Liu, Oumou Nasri, Leticia Meyer
Accessoires: UY, Perlensäue & stylist’s own
Editing: Diego Garcia
Music: Projekt Gestalten
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